

【】Shop Loses $35,000 of Food After Woman Coughs on It

Shop Loses $35,000 of Food After Woman Coughs on It



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. worth

    価値のある、に値する(形容詞) 特別な金銭的価値を持つ
    My dog is worth the time we spend for her.

  2. pandemic

    パンデミック、世界的大流行(名詞) 災害が世界や国に拡大して広がっている状況
    SARS was the one of ill which brought in a pandemic.

  3. charge

    告発する(動詞) 誰かが法を破ることを公に言うこと
    My coworker is going to charge our boss because of his power-harassments.

  4. terrorist

    テロリスト(形容詞) 政治的な目的のために暴力や脅迫をする
    It's not known surely whether the terrorists, or others attack broke World Trade Center.

  5. threat

    脅威、脅迫(名詞) 害や危険を引き起こすつもりだと誰かが言う声明
    My dog is not afraid of my threats which like not feeding treats.

  6. scare

    驚かす(名詞) 誰かを心配させたり、怖がらせたりする
    When my neighbor's kid rides a bicycle, and his speaker which attached to it is loud terribly, he scares people.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    One crazy person started coughing on the merchandise in a super market. It is supposed that she wanted to make a commotion but arrested.

  • My Impression
    I don't understand totally why she did that. But there are pretty much stupid people. On SNS in Japan, some of people often do something crazy.
  • Words I haven't understood before much

Exercise 3 Questions

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What did Margaret Ann Cirko try to steal from the store?

     My Answer:
    She had tried to steal beer.

  2. What was Cirko charged with?

     My Answer:
    She has been charged with making terrorist threats and for stealing.

  3. Does Joe Fasula believe that Cirko had coronavirus?

    My Answer:
    No, he doesn't think she had coronavirus.

Exercise 4 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on Margaret Ann Cirko's arrest?

     My Answer:
    I think she must be arrested. But she is a really crazy person.

  2. Have you ever had to deal with a rude or angry customer? If so, please share your experience.

     My Answer:
    I sometimes dealt with a bad customer while I worked at convenience store. He took products and tried to get smell. He caused collision or mushed between his nose and products.

  3. What's the worst thing that's ever happened at your place of work? Please share your experience.

     My Answer:
    A couple of bad coworkers lied to me, so they let me got failure at my task.

  4. Who's the rudest person you've ever met? Please describe them.

     My Answer:
    I have seen many rude people in all my life.
    One of the rudest person was my friend when I was a high schooler. He worked at a convenience store. Then he always stole cash vouchers from there and handed his friends out.

    One of my coworkers always says "Apologize to us.".

  5. Do you think you'd enjoy working as a police officer? Why? Why not?

     My Answer:
    I don't think that. I like to do improving anything. The task of police offier is dealing with bad things.

Exercise 5 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Do you usually write a list before going shopping? Why? Why not?

     My Thought:
    I often write a list before going shopping. I write my diary every day. It's my good habit.

  2. How often do you go to the supermarket? Please explain your answer.

     My Thought:
    Buying necessary is my wife's task. I sometimes go together. I go almost once a week.

  3. Are there many convenience stores near your home? Please explain your answer.

     My Thought:
    Yes, there are a lot of them because Japan has a lot of them. They are located here and there.

  4. Have you ever bought groceries online? Why? Why not?

     My Thought:
    Do groceries mean "foods which used everyday"?
    If so, I've never bought them.
    But I often buy local special food online. Especially, curry in my hometown is put aside.

  5. Do you find shopping stressful or enjoyable? Why?

     My Thought:
    I prefer to go shopping because I like snacks.