

【】Amazon Reveals Plans for New Headquarters

Amazon Reveals Plans for New Headquarters


Picture by Sagar Soneji of


Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. headquarters

    本社、本部(名詞) 組織がコントロールされる場所
    The headquater of my company was moved the east area of Japan from the west.
    -> My companies headquarter's has relocated from the western region of Japan to the Eastern region.

  2. executive

    重役、幹部(名詞) 高い地位のマネージャー
    One of my executive sometimes makes mistakes to organize the employees.
    ->One of my executives occasionally makes labor/staff organization errors.

  3. approve

    承認する、許可する(動詞) 正式に受諾、承諾、同意すること
    My boss always denies to approve subordinates' suggestions.
    -> My boss always fails to approve his subordinates' suggestions.

  4. step down

    辞任する、退任する(句動詞) 重要な立ち位置から退くこと
    One of my former boss not well at work, stepped down as our manager.
    ->My boss stepped down as manager due to his incompetency. (Performance concern)

  5. helix

    らせん(名詞) 中央点を回りながら上がっていく長く曲がる形
    I had fractured my leg bone like a helix 5 years ago.
    -> I broke my leg 5 years ago, it was twisted around and looked like a Helix.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    Amazon is planning to build the area of the headquater. They're not for only employees. At least 2 weekends a month, Amazon is going to open the part of the area.
    The Board in the city is seemed to be a sponsor.
  • My Impression
  • Words I haven't understood before much
    recover 回復する、取り戻す、立ち直る
    stressful ストレスの多い

Exercise 3 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on the helix building that Amazon has planned?

     My Answer:
    In my opinion, that's really senseful. And it's absolutely for elite business people. The company originall has a lot of benefit packages. How much benefit packages the company is able to get satisfied?
    -> 'elite' to high 'level'

  2. If you could change anything about your workplace, what would it be?

     My Answer:
    My workplace doesn't have any rest rooms. Even there is no rest space.

  3. Would you rather have a nap room or a games room at your place of work?

    My Answer:
    I'd rather have a nap room because I sometimes work until nights.

  4. If you could become the CEO of any company, which would you choose?

    My Answer:
    I want to choose becoming the CEO of furniture company because I like DIY.

  5. Would you rather be an architect or the CEO of a successful company?

    My Answer:
    If I had a skill to design, I'd rather become an architect.

Exercise 4 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What would you say are the most impressive buildings in your town or city?

     My Answer:
    I'm living in Kyoto, Japan. So I recommend Golden Temple in Kyoto as the most impressive buildings for foreigners.

  2. What famous buildings would you like to see in person someday?

     My Answer:
    Burj Khalifa is the place that I want the most to see.

  3. If given the option, would you prefer to work from home or from the office?

     My Answer:
    Absolutely I prefer to work from home because it's not needed to commute. And you can communicate with coworkers through internet these days.

  4. Which of your friends or family would you say has the coolest job?

     My Answer:
    One of my friends has become a dancer. He has taught to so many his students. And he sometimes dance behind Asian famous singers. But I'm not get along with the friend for around 10 years. 

  5. A happy employee is a productive employee. — Unknown. Do you agree?

     My Answer:
    I perfectly agree with that. People dedicated to something, can sometimes generate something really nice. For example, athletes, the biggest US companies GAFA, Elon Mask's Tesla and Space X, and something like that.