

【】Study: Video Games May Make People Happier

Study: Video Games May Make People Happier



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. well-being

    健康、福祉、幸福(名詞) 幸福や健康な状態
    My parents don't get well-being because they have a problem related to inheritance.

  2. average(average for)

    平均(名詞)、〜の平均 設定された数値の合計を数値の数で割って計算された数値
    I seem to have enthusiasm for work avobe average for my coworkers. 

  3. period (a period of 〜)

    期間、時代(名詞)、の期間 時間の長さ
    I bullied by my coworker for the period of 2 years since I entered current company.

  4. significantly

    大いに、著しく(副詞) 気づかれたり、効果を生じるために十分な大きさ、または重要な方法
    Studying English a lot is really useful to commicate more numbers of people significantly.
    -> Studying English a lot is significantly useful to communicate with more numbers of people.

  5. social

    社交的な(形容詞) 喜びのために人々が一緒に過ごす活動に関係すること
    My wife is not social. That's why she's not going to wherever there are a lot of people.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    The researchers showed the people who play games for a long time feel better than the others.
    In this article, it gave example 2 types of games.That's why, it should not say its results for all of games.

  • My Impression
    I suspect that the result of the research can show playing games is better.
    Actually if you playing games for a long time, you will get happy.
    But I think it couldn't say that playing games is only way to improve your mind.
  • Words I haven't understood before much

Exercise 3 Questions

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. How many people took part in the study?

     My Answer:
    3,274 people took part in the study.

  2. How did the researchers find out how long the participants had spent gaming?

     My Answer:
    The researchers got the data from game companies through being agreed by participants.

  3. Why might participants have reported feeling happier after gaming, according to Andrew Przybylski?

    My Answer:
    They guessed that current games can access internet and be able to play with friends whenever.

Exercise 4 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

     My Answer:
    In my opinion, it's not limided to playing games. The results of the study can apply for any hobbies. If you have a hobbie which really like and dedicate to do it, you get happier than the others who don't have.

  2. Do you find it surprising that gaming may improve one's well-being? Why? Why not?

     My Answer:
    I think it has love and hate relationship. Because it depends on each person's mind. For example, I tend to think studying anything all the time as much as I can.

  3. How do you usually feel after playing video games?

     My Answer:
    It's often fun, but I sometimes regret it.

  4. Which of your friends or family games the most?

     My Answer:
    My wife love to play games. I always buy her games and she plays them. I just see them.

  5. Do you find it more enjoyable to game alone or with others? Why?

     My Answer:
    I certain playing game alone is better than with others.
    Actually playing game with others is better even only once.
    But in current situation, games can connect through internet.
    So friends invite me to play games each other, even though I'm busy.

Exercise 5 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What activities bring you the most joy?

     My Answer:
    Drinking with my friends brought me the most joy. Or traveling.
    But recently, going out with my family brings me the most joy.

  2. How much free time do you get per day?

     My Answer:
    I have alomost 2-3 hours free time per day.

  3. How do you spend most of your free time?

     My Answer:
    I spend most of my free time reading books, studying English, or playing games.

  4. Are there any hobbies you'd like to take up if you had more time?

     My Answer:
    Yes, there is. If I had more time, I'd take DIY up.

  5. Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work. ― Jane McGonigal. What do you make of this statement?

     My Answer:
    I perfectly agree with the statement.
    When I went snowboarding, it brought me the most joy.