

【】A Tour of Europe's Best Christmas Markets

A Tour of Europe's Best Christmas Markets



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. cathedral

    大聖堂(名詞) 大きな教会
    I was impressed by the cathedral in Europe.

  2. stall

    屋台(名詞) 市場でよく見られる、ものが売られている机や小さな店

  3. carousel

    メリーゴーランド(名詞) 円の中を周る馬や車などの子供が乗るもの
    Both of my son and daughter like to ride on carousels.

  4. decorate

    飾り付ける(動詞) ものを付き足すことによって何かをもっと綺麗にすること
    My family decorate a christmas tree before every year's Christmas.

  5. amusement park

    遊園地(名詞) 乗り物やその他の遊具がある大きな公園
    Tokyo Disney Resort is the only one Disney brand's amusement park which is run by a company excepted the company of Disney.

  6. medieval

    中世の(形容詞) 歴史上、西暦400年から1450年の間に関係すること
    I'm in Hungary now because I want to see a part of medieval history of the Kingdom of Hungary on my eyes.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    Christmas markets are held here and there.In this article, it introduces the spots at 4 areas. Each spots have various features. Most of spots have many numbers of stalls, and Christmas trees.

  • My Impression
    I really get to want going there. Especially, the first one Cologne, German is the most interesting place for me. That's stalls have red roofs. And the town is lit up brightly. There is an aesthetic cathedral. That looks really scenic.
  • Words I haven't understood before much
    lit 点灯する
    plaza 広場
    innocent 無実の

Exercise 3 Question

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. How many people visit the market in front of Cologne Cathedral every year?

     My Answer:
    As many as 4 million people visit it every year.

  2. What city calls itself "The Capital of Christmas"?

     My Answer:
    Strasbourg calls it.

  3. Why are joke products sold at the Plaza Mayor Christmas market in Madrid?

    My Answer:
    This is because the Day of the Holy Innocents, Spain’s version of April Fool’s Day, is just after Christmas on December 28.

Exercise 4 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Are there any Christmas markets in your town or city?

     My Answer:
    I concern both yes and no are correct. In Christmas, many numbers of malls hold Christmas bargains. But there are no stalls or markets especially. That is in common wherever in Japan.

  2. Do you enjoy shopping for gifts? If so, what would you say is the best gift you ever gave someone?

     My Answer:
    I enjoy shopping for gifts. A marriage ring for my wife was the best gift I've ever gave. But she lost it in the summer of the last year.

  3. Do you usually do anything special to celebrate Christmas? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    No, I donlt. If I have kids, it may be changed. One of my neighbor's houses are decorated every year because they are Christians.

  4. Have you ever decorated a Christmas tree? If so, did you enjoy it? If not, would you like to?

     My Answer:
    I've ever decorated it, when I was until elementary shooler.

  5. What do you know about the history of Christmas?

     My Answer:
    I donlt know at all. Maybe there are not many Japanese people that they don't know.

Exercise 5 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What would you say are the most important holidays where you live? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    Around the new year's day are the most important day. 

  2. What holiday did you look forward to most when you were younger? Why?

     My Answer:
    Summer vacation is the longest time that we can rest schools. So I looked forward it.

  3. Would you rather visit Germany, France, Sweden, or Spain during winter?

    My Answer:
    I want to vist Germany because simply that is the most beautiful picture I feel. But Saint Clause village in Finland is at the top of my list.

  4. Have you ever tasted hot wine? If so, did you enjoy it? If not, would you like to try it?

    My Answer:
    I've never tasted that. I don't like wine much. So I want to try tasting hit wine only once.

  5. The best way to celebrate the holidays is with food, alcohol, and laughter. – Unknown. What do you make of this statement?

    My Answer:
    I'd like to add ''presents'' for the sentence.