

【】Middle-Aged Americans More Stressed Today than in 1990s

Middle-Aged Americans More Stressed Today than in 1990s



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. middle-aged

    中年の(形容詞)  40歳から65歳の間の(人)
    In 2020, the middle-aged people in Japan are the largest  group of people.
     -> In 2020, 

  2. range

    範囲(名詞) 最高値と最低値の間の範囲
    My wife got angry because I had gone for drink many times over her range of patience.

  3. psychologist

    心理学者(名詞) 人の仕草や脳に関して学ぶ科学者
    I don't rely on psychologists even if I would get exhausted.
     -> I don't rely on psychiatrist even if I feeling sad.

  4. finance

    財政、財務(名詞) 誰かが保有しているお金、お金の管理や使い方
    When I was younger, I had lost my finance.

  5. pressure

    重圧、プレッシャー(名詞) 多くの期待によって感じるストレスや心配さ
    I pray that I would had pressure when I show a presentation.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    According to one study, people in 2010s have more stress than 1990s. Especially, each middle-aged people have much more difference of how much stress they have.

  • My Impression
    I can't understand why today's people feel more pressure. There are bigger numbers of items and convenience, but they might not have enough money compared with 1990s.
  • Words I haven't understood before much

Exercise 3 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

     My Answer:
    From my point of view, majority of Americans are talkative for all ages. So I was surprised I've read this article.

  2. What do you imagine is the most common cause of stress among middle-aged people?

     My Answer:
    For my parents, they have been involved with our relatives seriously about inheritance. So I have felt that middle-aged people are concerned by money.

  3. When would you say is usually the least stressful time in a person's life? Why do you think so?

    My Answer:
    When you are talk for hours with a person you love, you would get a tons of hapiness.

  4. What's your favorite way to blow off steam when you're angry or stressed?

    My Answer:
    I like to go for drink. So I do it when I get stress.

  5. What's the most stressful job you've ever had? What made it so stressful?

    My Answer:
    For me, pasting the poster of the candidates of an election was the most stressful job. It had needed a lot of time and the earning was really cheap.

Exercise 4 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Which of the people you know would you say has the least stressful job?

     My Answer:
    I think it's real estate owners.

  2. If given the choice, at what age would you like to retire? Why?

     My Answer:
    If I can, I want to retire at 45 years old. If so, I can do anything at least 20 years. I want to travel abroad.

  3. Is there anything you plan to do more of once you retire? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    No, there is not. I want to travel abroad, even if I have kids.

  4. What do you imagine is the most difficult thing about being retired? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    What does that mean?
    Nothing to do will be the most difficult situation for me.

  5. Would you rather retire in a city or somewhere in the countryside? Why?

     My Answer:
    If I will be retire until 60 years old, I want to live in a city. If not, I want to move the countryside out.


【】Olive Oil May Be Good for Heart Health

Olive Oil May Be Good for Heart Health



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. cardiovascular

    心臓血管の(形容詞)  血管や心臓に関係する
    The life eating only meats have high possible to have an onset of cardiovascular disease.

  2. switch

    切り替える(動詞) ある物を他の物に変えること
    I have to switch the way of studying English to speaking a lot from only reading books.

  3. factor

    要素(名詞) 原因、影響、因子となり得るなにか
    Seasoning in cokking is one of the most important factor.

  4. consume

    消費する、摂取する(動詞) 何かを飲んだり食べたり使ったりすること
    I consumed all of vegitables in my refrigerator.
    I try to consume variety of nutrients through vegitables.

  5. explanation

    説明(名詞) なにかがどうなっているか、なぜそれが起こっているかを述べること
    My dog looks she wants to say something before she eats food.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    According to the article, if you change oil made from animals to plants, you will get healthier life. The one study showed a tons of Americans improved their health through the life using olive oil.

  • My Impression
    I was not sure. But a lot of Americans were gotten better effects, so it might be true with high possibility.
  • Words I haven't understood before much
    diet 料理
     - cuisine? or to lose weight?

Exercise 3 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

     My Answer:
    I believe the study is kind almost true.

  2. How often do you use olive oil when cooking? What foods do you usually add it to?

     My Answer:
    I eat a dish used olive oil once a week.
    We usually add it to pasta.

  3. How has your diet changed over your lifetime?

    My Answer:
    Originally, I had eaten meat almost every day until I was 20's. When I have been around 30 years old, I have gotten eating seafoods.

  4. Are there any foods or drinks that you try to avoid? Why? Why not?

    My Answer:
    I'm not a picky eater, so I don't avoid any foods.

  5. Where do you get most of your advice about healthy eating?

    My Answer:
    My wife has a certification of a nutrition advisor. So she advises me what we should eat.

Exercise 4 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Would you describe the average diet where you live as healthy?

     My Answer:
    I think It's typical Japanese menu. Rice, miso soup, and grilled fish are the healthiest diet.

  2. What advice would you give to someone who's trying to eat healthier?

     My Answer:
    I would recommend to work out. Because I also started to work out for a day ago.

  3. What countries do you imagine have the least healthy diets? Why do you think so?

     My Answer:
    I think Japanese foods are the most healthiest diet because of not using much oil.

  4. Why do you think many people find it difficult to stick to a healthy diet?

    Does 'to stick' mean almost same of 'to keep'?
     My Answer:
    It is needed patient and hesitated. You can't eat preferences, and You need to work out despite of you don't like it.

  5. Have you been to the US? If so, how did you find the local cuisine? If not, would you like to?

     My Answer:
    I've never been there. I love to eat humburgers but there is no delicious humburger shop in Japan. So I'd like to eat real American humburgers.

Exercise 5 Quotes

I describe these indicaded quotes.

  1. The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. — Mark Twain.

     My Thought:
    I agree with eating and drinking. But I recommend you have to do what you want. The life is only once.

  2. A healthy diet is a solution to many of our healthcare problems. — John Mackey.

     My Thought:
    I'm down with a part of it.  It is one of the solutions but not perfect. To work out, to love someones are important as well as diet for every healthy life.


To practice conditionals


I make sentences related each picture for learning conditionals.

At the flying trapeze -空中ブランコで-

0th conditional:
 If the rope is cut, she falls down to the valley.
1st conditional:
 If she can do it until the end, she will get a lot of courage.
2nd conditional:
 If she hiked up the gripped ropes, would she be able to leave away from it?
3rd conditional:
 She might say that, "If I had been in home, It wouldn't have met such dangerous."

flying trapeze 空中ブランコ
valley 谷
courage 勇気


Headstanding at the edge of the hill -崖っぷちで逆立ち-

0th conditional:
 If he slips on the hill, he falls down to the valley.
1st conditional:
 If he or the camera-man up the picture on their Instagram, they will be mushed like buttons by the viewers.
2nd conditional:
 If typhoon came here at the moment, he would be blown away.
3rd conditional:
 He might say that, "If I had done it at night, I would've felt so cold because of my light clothing."

slip 滑る
light clothing 薄着



A designer? -デザイナーなの?-

0th conditional:
If she types the keyboard, the laptop works her ass off.
1st conditional:
If she practices drawing repeatedly, she will improve her painting skill.
2nd conditional:
If she sent one of the pictures to many companies, she would get offering to become a exclusive designer for a company.
3rd conditional:
If she had chosen a bigger display, she would've gotten visibility which showed more pictures.

laptop ノートパソコン
ass off その分
repeatedly 繰り返し
exclusive 専属の
visibility 視認性、見やすさ


A firing news paper -燃えている新聞-

0th conditional:
If she keeps to read it, her hands get burned.
1st conditional:
If she blows her breath as hard as she can, the fire will be out.
2nd conditional:
If someone pour water to be out the fire, she'd get soaked.
3rd conditional:
If she hadn't hated some writing in that article, she would haven't burn the news paper.

as hard as (someone) can 思いっきり
fire is out 火が消える
(be) soaked を吸い取った
(be) burned やけどする
burn 燃やす


Drinking sold juice in the middle of a shopping -買い物の途中で売り物のジュースを飲む-

0th conditional:
If her glasses have the strength, she should wear it precisely.
1st conditional:
If she really tries to drink it, that could be empty.
2nd conditional:
If she could eat the cup, she would be stomachache tommorrow definitely.
3rd conditional:
If she hadn't done such it, she would haven't been in a prison now.

strength メガネの度数
precisely 正確に
could be (10%くらいの確率で)そうかもしれない


【】Shop Loses $35,000 of Food After Woman Coughs on It

Shop Loses $35,000 of Food After Woman Coughs on It



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. worth

    価値のある、に値する(形容詞) 特別な金銭的価値を持つ
    My dog is worth the time we spend for her.

  2. pandemic

    パンデミック、世界的大流行(名詞) 災害が世界や国に拡大して広がっている状況
    SARS was the one of ill which brought in a pandemic.

  3. charge

    告発する(動詞) 誰かが法を破ることを公に言うこと
    My coworker is going to charge our boss because of his power-harassments.

  4. terrorist

    テロリスト(形容詞) 政治的な目的のために暴力や脅迫をする
    It's not known surely whether the terrorists, or others attack broke World Trade Center.

  5. threat

    脅威、脅迫(名詞) 害や危険を引き起こすつもりだと誰かが言う声明
    My dog is not afraid of my threats which like not feeding treats.

  6. scare

    驚かす(名詞) 誰かを心配させたり、怖がらせたりする
    When my neighbor's kid rides a bicycle, and his speaker which attached to it is loud terribly, he scares people.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    One crazy person started coughing on the merchandise in a super market. It is supposed that she wanted to make a commotion but arrested.

  • My Impression
    I don't understand totally why she did that. But there are pretty much stupid people. On SNS in Japan, some of people often do something crazy.
  • Words I haven't understood before much

Exercise 3 Questions

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What did Margaret Ann Cirko try to steal from the store?

     My Answer:
    She had tried to steal beer.

  2. What was Cirko charged with?

     My Answer:
    She has been charged with making terrorist threats and for stealing.

  3. Does Joe Fasula believe that Cirko had coronavirus?

    My Answer:
    No, he doesn't think she had coronavirus.

Exercise 4 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on Margaret Ann Cirko's arrest?

     My Answer:
    I think she must be arrested. But she is a really crazy person.

  2. Have you ever had to deal with a rude or angry customer? If so, please share your experience.

     My Answer:
    I sometimes dealt with a bad customer while I worked at convenience store. He took products and tried to get smell. He caused collision or mushed between his nose and products.

  3. What's the worst thing that's ever happened at your place of work? Please share your experience.

     My Answer:
    A couple of bad coworkers lied to me, so they let me got failure at my task.

  4. Who's the rudest person you've ever met? Please describe them.

     My Answer:
    I have seen many rude people in all my life.
    One of the rudest person was my friend when I was a high schooler. He worked at a convenience store. Then he always stole cash vouchers from there and handed his friends out.

    One of my coworkers always says "Apologize to us.".

  5. Do you think you'd enjoy working as a police officer? Why? Why not?

     My Answer:
    I don't think that. I like to do improving anything. The task of police offier is dealing with bad things.

Exercise 5 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Do you usually write a list before going shopping? Why? Why not?

     My Thought:
    I often write a list before going shopping. I write my diary every day. It's my good habit.

  2. How often do you go to the supermarket? Please explain your answer.

     My Thought:
    Buying necessary is my wife's task. I sometimes go together. I go almost once a week.

  3. Are there many convenience stores near your home? Please explain your answer.

     My Thought:
    Yes, there are a lot of them because Japan has a lot of them. They are located here and there.

  4. Have you ever bought groceries online? Why? Why not?

     My Thought:
    Do groceries mean "foods which used everyday"?
    If so, I've never bought them.
    But I often buy local special food online. Especially, curry in my hometown is put aside.

  5. Do you find shopping stressful or enjoyable? Why?

     My Thought:
    I prefer to go shopping because I like snacks.







早く終わらせて、仕事を・・・家に帰りました6時です。 特別な魚のお店専門でものの12,000円を5,000円で食べる事ができました、たまたま。言いますその魚・・・について思ったこと。おいしかったです。一緒にした魚の・・・液体と・・・ご飯で一番おいしかったです。値段は高いと料理・・・思いました。1つの日本の料理を知ることができました。








語彙・Vocabulary 少ない
文法・Grammar 単純




語彙・Vocabulary 知らないものがある
文法・Grammar 単純




語彙・Vocabulary 少ない
文法・Grammar 間違えている




語彙・Vocabulary 知らないものがある
文法・Grammar 間違えている

早く終わらせて、仕事を家に帰りました夕方の6時です。 特別な魚のお店専門ものの12,000円を5,000円で食べる事ができました、たまたま。言いますその魚について思ったこと。おいしかったです。一緒にしたその魚の液体とご飯で一番おいしかったです。目立たないけど値段は高いと料理わかる思いました有名な1つの日本の料理を知ることができました。






【】How to Tell if You're About to Burn Out

How to Tell if You're About to Burn Out



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. prolonged

    長期の、長引く(形容詞) 長い時間あるいは通常より長く続く
    Disputing between my parents have been prolonged.

  2. concentrate

    集中する(動詞) ある人の注意が特別なものの方に向くこと
    I tend to get angry while I concentrate on something.

  3. irritate

    痛めつける、イライラさせる(動詞) 体の一部に不快感や痛みを生ずること、誰かを少し怒らせること
    My dog irritates us when she is only in our house.

  4. culprit

    原因(名詞) 問題を生じさせる人やもの
    The culprit behind my relavents' disputing are often for ownerships of estates.

  5. psychotherapist

    心理療法士(名詞) 薬よりも話し合いを通じて精神薄弱に対して対処する人
    My brother used to visit a psychoterapist because his work irriteted his mind a lot.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    This article is touching about how to get burn out and to recover from it.
    Feeling very tired, not being happy, not being interested in your job. Those are typical symptoms of burned out.
    The best way to escape from burn out, you have to reduce something you get stresses.

  • My Impression
    I feel that article much. When I was in one hard project and about to reach the deadline, I was working almost around the clock every day. So, I got feeling so tired and being not able to think anything while I worked. After then, I started to have bad dreams every night. Finally, I didn't get falling asleep. That was 3 years ago.
  • Words I haven't understood before much
    recover 回復する、取り戻す、立ち直る
    stressful ストレスの多い

Exercise 3 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Have you ever experienced burnout? If so, please share your experience.

     My Answer:
    Yes, I've experienced burnout. In fact, It's not so bad, but I sometimes go to a hospital specializes in sleeping.

  2. Would you be interested in reading The Burnout Solution? Why? Why not?

     My Answer:
    I won't it because I already get to be recovered from it.

  3. What are your favorite ways to relax? Please explain your answer.

    My Answer:
    I love to go to hot springs and stay there slowly. I've heard that some of foreigners don't tend to take a bath and do wash only taking shower. They take it and wash their body as soon as possible, don't it?

  4. Are there any hobbies that you'd like to take up? If so, what are they? Please explain your answer.

    My Answer:
    It's suddenly, I want to become a DJ. But only in my house or do a barbeque with my friends. I bought this laptop for doing mixing musics, so I bought a turntable at the same time. But I totally haven't practied it.

  5. Who's the first person you talk to when you have a problem? Why?

    My Answer:
    It's according to problems. If it's about my job, I talk to my coworkers. If it's about my life, I talk to my wife. I want to talk anything to my wife, but she can't understand about my job very much. But she is good listenative person.

Exercise 4 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Would you describe your job as stressful? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    According to terms. If we're about to release products, it would be stressful.

  2. What do you do when you have trouble concentrating at work? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    I sometimes go to smoking area. But I understand that is bad habit.

  3. Which of your managers or coworkers is the easiest to talk to? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    They're coworkers. My boss is pretty terrible for work.

  4. What advice would you give to a friend who's under a lot of stress? Why?

     My Answer:
    Somehow I tell my friend "you must get destress immediately.”

  5. Which of the people you know would you say has the least stressful job? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    I think there is no job which has no stressful. But I guess politicians who have no task doesn't have stress much.

Exercise 5 Quotes

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long. – Michael Gungor.

     My Thought:
    My thought is opposite from it. I think it happens when you try to be human for too long. Humanity is maybe to do something helpful for others. If you do it too hard, you get burned out.

  2. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list. – Michelle Obama.

     My Thought:
    I can't understand what that means. Is it said that you are better to work at relaxed place? If so, It's sure totally. That's the most important thing that actually you can get comfortable.


ポケモンソードで英語の勉強 Part4 - The Battle with Water and Flame Team of Gym Challenge

Cherubi チェルビ - チェリンボ - Cherimbo
Sludge ヘドロ
Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. This may also poison the target.
Toxic Spikes 有毒なトゲ - どくびし Ninja Trap "Maki-bishi" with toxic
Clear Smog 透明な煙 - クリアスモッグ Clear Smog
Acid spray 酸の霧 - 毒ガス Poisoned Gas



Chasing them off like that...
Aren't you being a bit too harsh, Oleana?

Chase off 追いかける、追い返す
harsh 厳しい

文脈的にChasing Off追いかける、追い返す、は第3者に対してそうしているように見えるので、そんなに追い詰めて・・・と訳しましたが若干自信なし。


Flood the stadium and make it our ocean! Drednaw, time to Dynamax!

flood あふれされる、殺到する、洪水



A Power Spot Detector! That't the device that allowed me to discover the Power Spots...

Detector 検出器
allow someone to することをできるようにする



If you're under the misguided impression that you're stronger than me, then surely you would...

misguide 誤解させられる、見当違い
surely 確かに、疑いなく

you would try to battle me? のように続くところです。自信に満ちているところはかっこいい。



What'd this other kid have to come waltzin' up for, eh? I just wanted to knock off challengers (one at a time.)

What'd = What did 
waltzin' up for = waltzing up for 〜に大胆に近づく
knock off 叩き落とす、打ち負かす



Kabu's League Card is supposed to help against him, but I ended up with a few copies.


be supposed to することになっている
against the enemy 敵と戦う、敵に対抗する
ended up になる 



Light that fire and get your mind moving, Kabu! There still must be a path to victory!

to light fire 火を灯すこと
path to victory 勝ち筋、勝利への道



Will-O-Wisp 青白い光を放ち浮遊する球体、あるいは火の玉 - 鬼火 O-ni-bi Demon's flame

The user shoots a sinister flame at the target to inflict a burn.

sinister 邪悪な
inflict 与える


Each place all over the world has a tradition of remaining of the spirits. In Japan, someone's spirit that have been folded flame called "O-ni-bi" in Japanese. In some countries, it is mostly as same as called "Will-O-Wisp" or "Jack-O'-Lantern" .



After such a humiliating defeat, there's no way he could look the Champion in the eye.

humiliate 屈辱する
humiliating 屈辱的な
there's no way A can look B in the eye 合わせる顔がない、目を向けられない


There's No Way 〜


Hammerlocke ハンマーロック - ナックルシティ knuckle city

There is a wrestling hold, called hammerlock. Is the person who names the city like wrestlings?

