

【】Airplane Food Services (Travel&Culture>Flying)

Airplane Food Services



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. free of charge

    無料で(フレーズ) お金を支払う必要がないもの
    This magazine is pretty good in spite of free of charge.
     ->This magazine is pretty good in spite of being free of charge.

  2. vegetarian meal

    菜食(名詞) あらゆる種類の肉を含まない食事
    Does this restaurant have some vegetarian meals?

  3. halfway

    半ば(形容詞) 2つのポイントの間のちょうど中間
    I am halfway in my life.
     -> I am halfway through my life

  4. serving

    盛り(名詞) 一人に十分な食べ物の量
    A serving of rice is about 200 grams.

Exercise 2 Useful Expressions

  1. Would you like something to drink?


  2. How much are the drinks?


  3. Are meals going to be served on this flight?


  4. Halfway through the flight.



Exercise 3 Dialogue Practice

I read the dialogue aloud with my teacher.

  1. If not, I will try to find some extra servings of vegetables for you.

    My Thought:
    Does it mean that to find a vegetarian meal in the airplane which in flight by the flight attendant?

Exercise 4 Fill in the Blanks

I try to fill the blanks to complete the dialogue.

  1. Would you like something to drink?

    Correct Answer:

  2. Sure, can I have some hot tea?

    Correct Answer:

  3. Are meals going to be served on this flight?

    Correct Answer:

  4. Would you like to have chicken, or fish?

    Correct Answer:

  5. Do you have any vegetarian meals, perhaps?

    Correct Answer:

  6. That sounds good/great.

    Correct Answer:

Exercise 5 Role Play

We try to role them.

A flight attendant asks you if you would like to order a drink. Order one and inquire about the meals on the flight. Your teacher will act as a flight attendant.

Me: Can I have some coffee? (If can't, ) So, Can I have an orange juice?
Me: Are meals going to be served on this flight?
Me: Can I choose a kind of meals?

Exercise 6 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What do you usually eat during a flight?

     My Answer:
    I usually eat a flight meal. But if the meals don't look delicious much, I usually eat snacks bring myself.

  2. Which airline serves the best food in your opinion?

     My Answer:
    In my opinion, Thail Airways has the best food in my experiences. In May in this year, its airline's meal named Thai curry was very delicious.

  3. What can you say about airline food services?

     My Answer:
    Most of them are not delicious much.

  4. Do you have any suggestions for airline companies on how to improve their food services?

     My Answer:
    They should stop to serve the hot meals.

  5. Do you think airline companies should lower the flight fees at the expense of airline service?

     My Answer:
    I think flight meals are not needed almost people especially in economy classes.