

【】Onboard Instructions (Travel&Culture>Flying)

Onboard Instructions



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. onboard instructions

    機内指示(名詞) フライトアテンダントが示す危険な状況下での一通りの対応方法や方針
    From now, they about to talk about on board instructions. Please listen to their directions cleary.

  2. exit

    出口(名詞) 外に出る道
    You must go that exit when our office would be on fire.

  3. seat pocket

    シートポケット(名詞) シートの後ろ側にある、よく機内指示や雑誌が入っている小さいポケット
    Don't forget your phone in the seat pocket.

  4. oxygen mask

    酸素マスク(名詞) 人の呼吸を補助するために鼻や口に被せる装置
    We should put on the oxygen mask, if we would have a emergency situation.

  5. reading light

    読書灯(名詞) 小さな電気の光
    I always learn something with reading light during flighting time.

  6. cabin

    キャビン、船室(名詞) 飛行機の中の乗客が座る場所
    I have ever had the cabin of the first class on the American Airlines.

  7. life jacket

    救命胴衣(名詞) 人が浮かぶことが出来るように設計された膨らむベスト・胴衣
    We should put on the life jacket immediately the event of we would land on the ocean.

  8. flotation device

    浮遊装置(名詞) 水上に留まるために使用するもの
    Children have to bring at least one flotation device when they would go to the municipal pool.

  9. seat cushion

    シートクッション(名詞) 座り心地をより快適にするために使われる柔らかいもの
    This seat cushion in an economy class is really tick. How is the first class' one?

Exercise 2 Useful Expressions

  1. Could you help me find out where…?


  2. Please fasten your seat belt.


  3. No need to apologize.

    謝る必要はないですよ。(Similar to no problem.)

  4. I'm here to help.



Exercise 3 Dialogue Practice

I read the dialogue aloud with my teacher.

  1. Certainly. The instruction card in your seat pocket shows you where your nearest exit is. It is directly behind you. Right there. Can you see it?

    My Thought:
    It's the 4th paragraph in this one which was mentioned "it is directly behind you" . As the flight attendant said. Which meaning does its "it" have, the exit or the instruction card?
    I think it indicate the exit.

Exercise 4 Fill in the Blanks

I try to fill the blanks to complete the dialogue.

  1. Excuse me, could you give me some information about the (onboard) instructions?

    Correct Answer:

  2. Of course, what would you like to (know)?

    Correct Answer:

  3. Where are the (exits) on this plane?

    Correct Answer:

  4. There are six exits; two are in the front, two in the middle and two in the back of the (seat).

    Correct Answer:

  5. I see. And what about the (oxygen) masks

    Correct Answer:

  6. Okay. And the (life jackets) are (under) the seats, right?

    Correct Answer:

  7. Okay. Thank you for your (assistance). I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm a bit nervous about flying.

    Correct Answer:

  8. No problem! I’m (happy) to help.

    Correct Answer:

Exercise 5 Role Play

We try to role them.

You are worried about the weather and you would like to ask about some details related to onboard instructions. Ask the flight attendant about the exits, life jackets and oxygen masks. Your teacher will act as the flight attendant.

Me: Excuse me, where is located the exit where is close to me?
Me: And Where are a life jacket and a oxygenmask?

Exercise 6 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Do you read the inflight instruction card thoroughly just in case of emergency?

     My Answer:
    No, I don't because their instructions are always almost of same. So I always start reading other my books before reading the inflight instruction card.

  2. Do you think the instruction cards are easily understandable for passengers?

     My Answer:
    In my opinion, most of the instruction cards are printed pictures, or images. So It is easy to understand for me.

  3. Have you ever experienced an emergency situation during a flight?

     My Answer:
    Though I had experiened that a bird was maybe into the circulator during the flight. It occured pretty big impact. So I felt so nervous.

  4. Do you think you would be able to remain calm in an emergency?

     My Answer:
    No, I wouldn't. I often get to be scared every flactuation.

  5. What do you think is the biggest threat to flight onboard?

     My Answer:
    I think any flying objects are the most biggest threat.