

【】Strange Desserts from Around the World

Strange Desserts from Around the World




Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. deep fry

    揚げる(動詞) 油の中で食べ物を調理すること
    I don't want eating deep fried tofu.

  2. batter

     衣(名詞) 卵、ミルク、小麦粉の混合物でよく料理に使われるもの
    Why is batter ran on here?

  3. breast

     (鳥の)胸、胸肉(名詞) 鳥の体の前側、またその部位の肉
    We stopped to hike a breast of Mt.Fuji.

  4. combine

     結合する(動詞) 一緒に繋げる
    A oxygen and a pair of hydrogens become water by combining.

  5. smooth

     なめらかな(形容詞) (液体や混合物の)しこりや塊のない
    The pudding is smooth.

  6. creamy

     クリームのような(形容詞) 濃厚でなめらかな
    The whip cream is creamy.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down their words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    There are many varieties of sweets.

  • My Impression
    Especially, I was impressed that introduced  asian red beans soup was as a strange food. This bean is the most important ingredient for Japanese sweets. And I felt chicken breast pudding disgusting. The meats are only for meals.
  • Words I haven't understood before much
    ingredient  料理の材料、成分

Exercise 3 Question

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Where can you try sweet red bean soup?

     My Answer:
    In China, Korea and Japan, you can even try a type of it.

  2. How is avocado cream made?

     My Answer:
    It is usually made by mixing avocados, cream, sugar and lime juice together into a big, green cream like a smoothie.

  3. Where can deep fried butter often be found?

    My Answer:
    It's often founded at local festivals in the United States and Canada.

Exercise 4 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. Which of the desserts described in the article would you most like to try?

     My Answer:
    I like to try avocado cream. According to this article, it looks strange. But I feel like it doesn't look strange. It almost looks crushed avocado. Maybe it has a texture that is whipped cream.

  2. What's your favorite dessert? Do you know how to make it?

     My Answer:
    I like an apricot tofu what is one of a Chinese dessert. When I was a high school student, I used to make some desserts because my mother affects me to cook them. 

  3. What sweet foods from your country would you recommend to a tourist? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    I would recommend "Warabi-Mochi". It is made from bracken starch and covered insweet toasted soybean flour on all surface. It is known for a summer dessert in Japan.

  4. What's the strangest dessert you've ever had? What did it taste like?

     My Answer:
    I introduce a meal rather than a dessert. But it looks like a dessert and like a "Warabi-Mochi" a little bit.
    Its name is "Ebisu". It's an agar what is liked a jelly, into scrambled egg with salt. I feel it nasty. Additionaly, it is not delicious much. It's my birthplaces traditional food.

  5. Are there any foods in your country that may seem unusual to foreigners? Please describe them.

     My Answer:
    There is "natto". It is fermented soy beans. It has distinct smell.

Exercise 5 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What is your idea of a perfect meal? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    I think a meal have variety of nutrients is a perfect meal. 

  2. How has your taste in food changed over the years? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    Originally, I liked all meats. But now, I have changed my preference of the food. I have gotten not to be able to eat oily meals.

  3. What was your favorite food when you were a kid? Do you still eat it often?

     My Answer:
    I used to eat a curry rice. Recently I still eat it in my company's cafeteria for lunch.

  4. If you could take cooking lessons from anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?

     My Answer:
    I would choose Italian foods. I love to eat cheeses.

  5. The best way to bring people together is through good food. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

     My Answer:
    Sure. Eating is common for all people.