

【】Study Says Cats React to Sound of Their Names

Study Says Cats React to Sound of Their Names



Exercise 1 Vocabulary

I write several sentenses using these words.
And a tutor refines them if they need.

  1. respond

    反応する(動詞) 何かを見たり聞いた事を示すために話したり行動する事
    I don't respond to strange people.

  2. evidence

     証拠(名詞) 真実である事を示す因子
    He needed some evidence. He arrested nevertheless he is innocence.

  3. recording

     録音、録画(名詞) CDやテープに入れられた音楽や画像
    I always listen to my favorite records during I commute.

  4. interest

     興味(名詞) 注意を向けたくなる感情
    I don't have any interest.

  5. attach

     結びつける(動詞) 何かについて特徴づける
    We attached him a chicken.(a dastard)

  6. recognize

     認識する(動詞) あるものを誰または何なのか知る事
    I couldn't recognize the person who visited a while ago.

Exercise 2 Article

I summarize the article points and express my impression.
Besides, if there are words that I couldn't understand, I write down them words here and study them.

  • Summarized in a few lines
    In recent, researchers figured out that why cats can recognize their names. It became clear by some of the experiments. They learn own names gradually from be called again and again. But they don't attach meaning. They recognize their names as only sound.

  • My Impression
    I don't know about cats very much. But I used to have a dog. He recognized family member's feelings. If one of my family get angry, my dog would try to stop the emotion. So I certain that cats, too.

  • Words I haven't understood before much
    experiment 実験
    behavior  仕草
  • own  飼う

Exercise 3 Question

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. How many experiments did the researchers do?

     My Answer:
    Researchers of Japanese university do four experiments.

  2. Do cats understand the meaning of the words they respond to?

     My Answer:
    No, they don't really understand names meaning.

  3. What does Kristyn Vitale think of the study's results?

    My Answer:
    She said the results "make complete sense to me."

Exercise 4 Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

     My Answer:
    I thought cats and dogs can recognize what owners say. I like animals very much. So when I keep to watch them, they look like saying something.

  2. Do you have a cat? If so, please describe him or her. If not, would you like to?

     My Answer:
    No, I don't have cat. I never. I used to have a dog. I'd like to have a cat. Just my wife and I'm planning to find both of a cat and a dog.

  3. Have you ever tried to train a cat or dog? If so, how did it go?

     My Answer:
    Yes, I have. My dog was trained well. His signature moves were "Sit down", "Stop to eat", "Lie down" and "Turn around".

  4. In your opinion, is owning a cat more difficult than owning a dog? Why do you think so?

     My Answer:
    In my opinion, no it isn't. It is easier that owning cat. Cats are not pampered much. If you leave for a long time, the cat don't become sad.

  5. Would you be more interested in studying cat or dog behavior? Why?

     My Answer:
    Yes, I would like to study. If anything, it is a dog.

Exercise 5 Further Discussion

I answer these indicaded questions.

  1. If you were to get a new pet tomorrow, what would you choose? Why?

     My Answer:
    Of cource I choose a dog. Dogs can receive most of our emotions.

  2. Did you have any pets when you were growing up? If so, please describe them.

     My Answer:
    I had a dog named 'Robin' when I was in a kindergarten. He is a Welsh Corgi and active dog. I hung him out after I came from every evening.

  3. Are there any common pets that you wouldn't want to own? If so, which ones and why?

     My Answer:
    I wouldn't have any insects.  I can catch and touch them. But I don't feel them cute. I think they don't have emotions.

  4. In your opinion, are there any downsides to owning a pet? Please explain your answer.

     My Answer:
    To spend lots of money. And the family who have owning pets, become no easy to travel abroad.

  5. Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

     My Answer:
    I think it's case by case.If one person hang one's pet out all day, it should be said that 'You are wasting time too much.' Maybe the person 'Freud' is like its person.